Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Running (Easter Poem)

Since I didn't manage Palm Sunday on time for anyone to use it this year, I'd better post an offering for Easter!  Here's a performance poem I've used many times in the past.  It works a little bit like 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.  Feel free to add actions for each of the bits in brackets and get everyone joining in.  The 'running, running, running, running" refrain is usually accompanied by very fast pats on the knees.

Running, running, running, running,
there's a girl running through a garden (mmm, pretty flowers)
and in that garden there's a stone
and behind that stone there's a tomb
and that's where they buried him,
the special one,
the saviour,
the one they all believed in,
that's where they buried him.

Running, running, running, running,
there's a girl running through a city gate (hustle bustle hustle bustle)
and outside that city gate there's a hill
and on that hill there's a cross
and that's where he died,
the special one,
the saviour,
the one they all believed in,
that's where he died.

there's a girl running to a house, (home sweet home)
and in that house there are stairs
and up those stairs there's a room,
and that's where they're crying for him,
the special one,
the saviour,
the one they all believed in,
that's where they're crying for him.

that girl runs up the stairs (huff puff huff puff)
she bangs on the door (bang bang bang bang)
and when they let her in
she shouts HE'S ALIVE!
the special one,
the saviour,
the one we all believe in,

now there are two men running
they run out of the door (bang)
down the stairs (huff puff huff puff)
out of the house (home sweet home)
through the city gates (hustle bustle hustle bustle)
past that cross
into the garden (mmm, pretty flowers)
past that stone
into the tomb and -
it's true
he's gone
so now they're running, running, running, running
to tell the whole world about
the special one
the saviour
the one they all believe in

Have you heard yet?

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