Thursday, 2 May 2013

A post a day May: first two

This is a meme that has been going around Facebook.  The words are supposed to inspire a photo a day, but I'm going to try to use them for inspiration to do quick pieces of writing, under 100 words each.  I don't know whether I'll manage them all, but if I do at least the ones that fall on writing days, my hope is that it will help the creative juices to keep juicing during what is set to be a very challenging month.  Here are the first two entries (because of course, in true Amy fashion, I have started a day late!)

  1. Self Portrait (in contrasting colours)

A girl who, whenever the sky is a certain shade of blue, brings an orange in her pocket, so that she can throw the orange upwards and be transfixed by two seconds of colours at opposite ends of the spectrum.

A girl who tumbled out of Narnia a queen, and on the wrong side of the wardrobe, had to learn how to pretend she was a girl.

Someone who only likes the beach in rainy weather, but loves a city park in the sun because it succeeds in being an oasis, home in the middle of a foreign land.

  1. On The Wall

On my wall, haphazardly pinned: a leaflet about Early Years storytime, some information about things to do with toddlers around here, a collage of Peppa Pig in a hot air balloon, the number of someone I've probably forgotten to ring, the first flowers my daughter ever drew, and almost buried, a reminder: 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 which tells me not to claim anything as coming from me: “Our competence is from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of letter but of spirit: for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”

1 comment:

  1. I particularly liked the first story, I so identify with tumbling out of the Narnia wardrobe and landing with a bump in the real world - it's a bit like coming home from Scargill and having to think about what to cook for tea instead of having it all made for you! ;-)
